Citation - New Hampshire Gazette-Exeter: 1777.06.24

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Index Entry Comus: Expedition to Danbury [t], play satirizing Tryon's raid 
Location Philadelphia 
24 Jun 1777:21,22,23 (2/58)
The Expedition to Danbury, under the command of General
Tryon, to destroy the stores of beef, pork and rum.
Scene, New-York. . . [satirical dramatic sketch in rhyme
  Without wit, without wisdom, half stupid and drunk,
  And rolling along arm in arm with his punk,
  The gallant Sir William* who fights all by proxy,
  Thus spake to his soldiers, held up by his doxy.
  My boys, I'm a going to send you with Tryon
  To a place where you'll all get as groggy as I am,
  . . . [2 columns, signed]  Comus.
 Philadelphia, May 12, 1777

Generic Title New Hampshire Gazette-Exeter 
Date 1777.06.24 
Publisher Fowle, Robert 
City, State Exeter, NH 
Year 1777 
Bibliography B0023239
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